Who Pays For Treatment Of The World’s Worst Termite?

Termite Damage

The West Indian Drywood Termite is considered the most destructive termite in the world and is particularly prolific in Brisbane, as well as Maryborough, Bundaberg, Townsville and Rockhampton.

Because of the destructiveness of these termites Biosecurity Queensland has, since the 1960s, paid for any infestations to be treated.

Treatment for a building as small as a three bedroom home can cost around $42,000 and even require annual treatments to fully eradicate the infestation.

This system may soon change and push the costs on to the building or home owner as Biosecurity Queensland is currently reassessing how to manage the pest.

West Indian Drywood Termites spend their entire lifecycle inside timber and, as a result, can be very difficult to detect if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

While common subterranean termites need to access the ground, leaving tell-tale signs that are easier to detect, the West Indian variety needs a more experienced eye and testing methods.

Considering the damage potential, difficulty in discovering, and that the costs for treatment may soon be moved onto unsuspecting new home owners, it is now more important than ever that Brisbane home buyers invest in a pest inspection before buying a new home.

Contact Inspect my Home for a complete building and pest inspection that will leave you with the peace of mind that you know what you’re buying.


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