Moments Like This You Need… Building Inspections

Storm Flooding

Thanks to a lack of communication between the Office of Fair Trading and builders, many tradespeople were not notified of changes to building legislation for the installation of guttering, and got it so wrong.

Between 2000 and 2008, many homes were built or re-guttered with drainage installed flush with the facia.

This allows overflow to spill over the back of the gutters and into the roof – leaving the house susceptible to flooding, dry rot and termite infestations.

One Newcastle home owner had his guttering installed in 2007, only to have his house flooded when storms hit the next year.

The Lambton Heights home became a sodden mess, which cost over $5,000 in water damage repairs.

While gutters are no longer being installed incorrectly, there are plenty of homes out there that may have guttering problems that put the entire home at risk of water damage.

When you’re buying a home it’s important to get a professional building inspection report to alert you of these kinds of problems.

Our inspectors have years of experience and know what to look out for, particularly when it comes to drainage issues.

Contact us on 02 4342 4343, or simply book online to arrange an inspection.


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