Hidden costs of buying a home

Five hidden costs of buying a home

We are all well aware of the initial costs of buying a home…At least, we think we are. Often it’s where the money is spent that comes as a shock to first – home buyers.

It’s not over once the deposit has been saved and the winning offer made. Below are the five areas identified by experts where hidden costs are likely to exist.

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Townsville property market

How to get into the Townsville property market

Record low-interest rates coupled with house prices bottoming out mean there has never been a better time for first home-buyers to enter the Townsville property market. REIQ Townsville zone chairman Damian Keyes said first home buyers were often put off by well-meaning but ill-informed advice to stay out of the property market. At some point, you have to ignore three-quarters of that advice and just jump in.

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Time is Running Out

First homebuyers grant deadline approaching

QLD First homebuyers rush to secure $20,000 grant by June 30

First home buyers are racing around the clock to secure the $20,000 Queensland first home owners grant before it is cut by $5000 on June 30. Statewide there have been 4100 grants approved, totalling a whopping $82.5 million. Continue reading “First homebuyers grant deadline approaching”